Friday, July 31, 2020

College Essay Whiz

College Essay Whiz If you live outside the Boston area, I’ll work with you by Skype. Although you need to be creative while writing your essay, resist the urge to get creative with the facts. Don't exaggerate your own accomplishments to make yourself look better. Don’t repeat what you’ve already supplied in your applicationâ€"grades, test scores, etc. Your essay serves to fill in the blanks beyond what you have supplied. Don’t worryâ€"the task before you may be challenging, but it’s hardly nuclear physics. Everything you need to know to write a winning “Why Us” Essay can be reduced to seven fairly straightforward tips. Even if one prompt draws your attention, however, spend some time thinking about at least a few of the other choices. Sometimes, deeper reflection can help you find an even better subject to write about than your first impulse. Use outlines, word clouds or free association to help you come up with material for each of the different prompts. Your essay should help to give better, deeper insight into you as a person. As the post mentions, your essay should supplement the other parts of your application to help us understand you better. On your visit to Brown, you made sure to try the famous pumpkin pancakes at Louis Family Restaurant. Hope you found them to be delicious but if you feel inclined to write about the experience, do so on Yelp, not as part of your “Why Us? Heaping generic praise on your school is not going to sway anyone. If you’re going to shower a college with flattery, make it as specific and genuine as you possibly can. You don't need to lay out a long list of all your shortcomings, but acknowledging weaknesses and misjudgments can demonstrate authenticity and give your legitimate accomplishments greater credibility. Admissions officers don't expect you to be perfect, so don't make your essay unbelievable by trying to pretend that you are. The list below begins by highlighting a series of important “don’ts” and ends with the “do’s” that are essential for success. Follow all seven tips with fidelity and we guarantee that your essay will sparkle. So, where does one find this type of substantive information? We recommend utilizing the top college guidebooks, a real-life or virtual tour of campus, a chat with a university rep, or some good old-fashioned Googling to gather what you need. That said, you don’t have to include anything about yourself that you don’t feel comfortable sharing. Feel free to be funny or creative â€" but don’t overreach. If your friends tell you that you’re the funniest person in the class, use that skill to your advantage. If your creativity is what sets you apart from your peers, let that innovation guide the structure and content of the essay. On the other hand, if every joke you make at the cafeteria table falls flatter than a pancake in a Panini press, don’t try to fake it. I see students mostly in my study room at the Newton, MA public library and at my home office. I can make house calls if you live within twenty minutes of Newton Center. Instead of letter grades, students receive qualitative evaluations from their professors. All courses are taught by professors, never TAs, and research opportunities for undergraduates abound. It’s little surprise that an insanely high number of Reed graduates go on to earn PhDs in their respective fields. If you can’t come up with a sincere answer to any of these questions, you might want to rethink why a given school is even on your college list in the first place.

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